A builder or a professional certified as an Aging-in-Place Specialist has the knowledge and expertise to help you live safely and independently within your home as you age. Certification as an Aging-in-Place Specialist is provided through the National Association of Home Builders. According to the National Association of Home Builders (2021), the Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist course “teaches the technical, business management, and customer service skills essential to competing in the fastest-growing segment of the residential remodeling industry" (para. 1). To become certified, the professional must take educational courses along with continuous education credits. There are many benefits of including a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist as part of the home building or remodeling process. Benefits include that the professional has extensive knowledge in customizing the area for the complexities of aging and what solutions would be of most benefit. They also know various products and designs to enhance your independence and safety.

Jesse Freitag is our Certified Aging-in-Place
Specialist. He is a great member to our GoUniversal team.
If you want to build your forever home that you plan to live in as you age, it is necessary to find a builder that has the credentials and knowledge on how to make your home sustainable. The Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist can provide suggestions of products that would be the most beneficial to you. For example, a simple product such as lever handles on doors instead of doorknobs can allow for an individual to open the door with ease, especially if the individual has an injury or disease that causes pain or difficulty when turning the doorknob. Therefore, the Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist understands the product and why the product would be beneficial for you. Considering a home builder with credentials as a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist will help you determine how to update your home to increase accessibility, independence, and safety.
About the Author
Jackie Baumgartner is currently a third-year Doctor of Occupational Therapy student from the University of Mary in Bismarck, ND. She is currently completing her doctoral capstone at Sparling Construction/GoUniversal. Jackie will be graduating in the spring of 2021 and plans to begin her career as a traveling therapist with her husband. She is very excited to provide you with information regarding different topics about home modifications, disabilities, and ways to make your home more accessible.
National Association of Home Builders. (2021). Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS). Retrieved from https://www.nahb.org/education-and- events/education/designations/Certified-Aging-in-Place-Specialist-CAPS